Our Story
Since 2005
A lot has happened since we first saw daylight in 2005. Yeah you heard right, we have been around for a while. It all started out in a basement in a small Swedish town called Herrljunga, with two young and driven guys with a dream of having a business of their own. Could the internet be the place to do it?
It sure could. Dedicated and driven by their dream, they started to create a vision of a webshop with clothes, shoes and accessories for men. And you can with ease say that they found something that was spot on and right in time. The vision went from a dream to reality and soon the ambition was to be “The number one fashion destination for men online - Stayhard”.
Stayhard grew quickly and soon they had to move from the basement into their first office with new dedicated team members. The focus was to have a well curated assortment of brands, fast deliveries and a great customer team, which all lead to Stayhard winning several prizes in the coming years.
The Stayhard team started to create inhouse brands such as William Baxter and Adrian Hammond which became an absolute rocket. Later on brands like Studio Total were added and all these inhouse brands have always been an important complement to the external brand portfolio.
In 2014 Stayhard was sold to Ellos Group and we moved from Herrljunga to Borås.
Still with the same ambition to be “The number one fashion destination for men online”.
In the coming years we worked even harder with adding the brands our customers wanted and to create an even clearer picture of what Stayhard stands for - Dedication and Passion.
The team has created fantastic content and made a lot of great collabs during the years. To name a few we have teamed up with Art comes first, Rasmus Wingårdh, Swedish footballer Jimmy Durmaz, Alex & Sigge and Luke Fracher from NY Giants Round Two.
We look forward to adding many more names to that list.
In 2022 the team was informed that Ellos Group wanted to shut down Stayhard which came as a shock. Was all the effort and dedication we put into this for nothing?
Fortunately not. Footway Group saw potential in the brand and we were merged into the world of Footway, a giant in logistics with a fantastic team and a customer support that wins the gold medal every day.
We are grateful and humble that Stayhard can continue the journey and keep up the spirit and dedication that the Stayhard team has built throughout the years.
Hopefully we can keep creating interesting content for you guys and let you have the same inspirational shopping experience that you should expect from us.
We look forward to having you all aboard on our journey going forward!
//Team Stayhard #stayrealstayhard