GABBA Paul K3280 Dale Chino 3014 Crocodile
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15.900 kr
15.900 kr
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15.900 kr
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- 15.900 kr
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- 15.900 kr
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- 15.900 kr
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Frábær þjónusta við viðskiptavini
The regular slim chino pant features French pockets and branded buttons, offering a modern take on a classic style. With a zippered front, double-paspel back pockets, and a logo rivet on the right pocket, this Gabba interpretation is the perfect pant for any occasion.
- - Double paspel back pockets
- - Slim classic chino
- - Slim leg opening
- - French pockets
- Model is 188 cm, and wearing a size 32/32
- Afbrigði: 29"/32"
- SKU: 261019450006
- Safn: Nýkomur - Karlar